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(picture from motivationalmemo.com) |
into this challenge and presuming it will be easy, but we shall see. My friend
Debbie extended the challenge she was given, to her friends, and I in turn, extend
it to you. Can you come up with 100 positive things about your life?
thank God for each of these phenomenal blessings. I’m forever grateful to serve
and be in love with the God Who just can’t stop blessing!
100 blessings/positive things in my life are not necessarily in numerical
order, I’m not ‘ranking’ them. AND, I apologize for how long this became and for how the spacing freakishly changed on me; I honestly can't explain it and I'm too tired to continue wrestling with it. You
don’t have to read it all at once if you don’t want to, but be sure to come
back and finish!)
1. Jesus is my Savior, my Lord and my best friend. He
loves me unconditionally and forever.
2. Dave is my
husband, my best friend in the flesh, and the love of my life. He loves me
unconditionally and forever, too! (He can’t help himself!)
3. My firstborn child
is my amazing, handsome, strong, intelligent and charismatic young man who
proudly serves our country as a member of the elite group of men known as Army
Airborne Soldiers, and he’s gifted me with two incredible grandsons.
4. My second born
child is my beautiful, precious Princess – she’s brave and kind and has one of
the biggest hearts on the planet, and has gifted me with four incredible
5. My third born child
is my baby, though he’s bigger than I am. He’s my Marine, my courageous,
disciplined, handsome, faithful son, who’s blessed me with three more
incredible grandchildren. I am blessed, indeed.
6. My first
grandson, Kyle.
7. My second
grandson, Collin.
8. My third
grandson, Johnny.
9. My fourth grandson, Josef.
My fifth
grandson, Joseph.
My first
granddaughter, Versais.
My second
granddaughter, Fiona.
My third
granddaughter, Abigail.
My fourth
granddaughter, Temperance. (I’ve listed the grandchildren by age, not
necessarily the order they came into my life.) Each grandchild brings their own
unique blessings into my life and love for them is unconditional and forever,
just like their parents.
I was raised by
amazing, loving parents who were my first glimpse into what God Himself might
be like. Have I always agreed with them? No. But I haven’t always agreed with
anyone, as far as I know.
I have a gorgeous
daughter in law that loves me and a wonderful new son in law who loves me – and
I love them both with all my heart. If you’re going to love my children, you’ve
got to know you have a special, permanent place in my heart.
I’m growing more
beautiful every day, because I’m recognizing my own beauty a little more each
18. I live in a very
happy home!
19. My wonderful
husband brings home enough of a paycheck that I’m not forced to work to pay the
bills. I can’t tell you how grateful that makes me. Should I choose to get a
job, it will be just that – a choice.
I have an
abundance of friends and acquaintances that love me. Even the ones who really
know me! I don’t dare try to mention names or we’d be here many, many days….
I’m forgiven.
I’m generally
surrounded by kindness.
23. I have many gifts
and talents, some of which I’m just discovering now. Life gets better every
I’m learning
self-discipline and the process of implementing boundaries in my life. This is
VERY liberating. Sure, I should have established this years ago – but, rather
than get down on myself for not yet having “arrived” in life, I’m getting there!
I love my yoga
classes and my yoga instructor.
My car is paid
for and still doing me proud and it’s ten years old already!
I have five
wonderful siblings, whom I love with all my heart. We may not all live close
together or see each other as much as we could/should, be the ties that bind us
together are very stretchy!
I have a plethora
of nieces and nephews who are each adorable and incredible blessings to me,
whether they realize it or not.
I love to write.
YOU love to read!
I love to read.
I love food. And
I’m learning to recognize the real stuff from the imposters that have poisoned
my body for too many years and making healthier choices every day.
I’m becoming
involved in politics, learning so many new things about the ways our local and
state and federal government work, and don’t work. It’s not fair to complain if
I’m not taking steps to educate myself and contribute some good to the
I’m stronger than
I ever thought I would be, and getting stronger every day. The exciting part
is, I’ve become aware of that strength.
I pray. For
myself, for you, and for every stranger God lays on my heart. And I know that I
know that I know that my prayers are heard and answered. And I know that God
won’t compromise anyone’s freedom of choice simply because I’ve prayed. I trust
Him with that.
I’m a giver.
I’m learning to
be a receiver.
Now that I’ve
finally taken the dive and got myself a new cell phone, I’m actually not afraid
of it or the changes it represents. Gone with the old! Into the new. Do I know
how to use it yet? Not completely. But I’m not afraid of the new technology. I
thought I would be.
I have great
hair! Is that a vain thought? I don’t care.
I’ve reconnected
with cousins and old friends through Facebook and it’s wonderful!
I love the
breezes God sends my way.
I love the
sunshine. And I treasure it even more after a few days of gray skies.
I love TREES! And
praise God, the longer I live, the more different types I get to see – and touch!
I love beaches;
the warm, beautiful sandy beaches of the east coast in particular, though
Hawaii has some great ones, too.
I’ve been blessed
to travel with my precious husband to places I never dreamed I’d see.
I have some
incredible memories. Sadly, though, I have a lot of great memories I can no
longer remember, but – praise God for the ones I can recall!
I can sing, and I
can do it quite well. Perhaps not as well as I once could, but I have fun with
Dave and I still have
date nights. Often! We’re nerdy, crazy mad in love with each other.
Most of the
people I know are honest, for the most part.
I have some fantastic,
anointed pastors.
I trust that my
best days are ahead of me!
The Sky Sox stadium
is within walking distance from my house. I don’t go to nearly enough games,
but I can if I choose to.
I know how to
adapt, improvise and overcome!
I own a treasure
of great books and a world of information is quickly and freely available to me
with a keystroke and an internet connection.
My house is
yellow. I always wanted a yellow house. This particular shade might be a bit
bold, but hey – it’s super easy to locate my house, even from miles away. Yes,
I say that with a smile on my face.
I trust easily.
I forgive easily.
My home has great
city views and views of the mountains, as well. I drink it all in, daily.
I don’t dread
birthdays anymore.
I don’t fear
death anymore.
I am trusted.
I’m funny! It’s
not always intentional, but, I can sure make people laugh. Thank God for my dad’s
words of wisdom: “Helen, they’re not laughing AT you, they’re laughing WITH
you.” Me: “But, Dad, I’m not laughing.” Dad: “Start!”
I love to wash my
dishes by hand.
I love a good hot
bath, and a soak in a nice, deep hot tub.
I’m very healthy.
Sure, I have my aches and complaints from time to time, but overall, I’m very
healthy. Yay!
I have great
dreams. I write down the ones I see as most powerful.
I have God’s
Word, both the logos and the Rhema!
On days when I
can’t seem to sit still and focus on written words, my computer will read to me!
I love going for
walks with Dave, and he loves walking with me.
We do it too
often, but I love going out to eat with Dave, more face time!
After sitting
through the rain, we get the smell of freshness that no other scent can parallel.
Just today, as I
wearily drove through a drive-through for a drink, a small boy who doesn’t know
me at all – blew me a kiss!
How positive and
wonderful is this one? I live in a world filled with colors!
I love the birds
that come to visit every day and bring joy to my yard with their songs.
I love 70s music
and can listen to it any time I want to!
I have affordable
health insurance. I did BEFORE Obamacare, too.
I love the sound
of my children and grandchildren’s laughter.
Dave doesn’t
snore anymore! I can sleep!
I have spell-check!
It’s not necessary to embarrass myself publically.
I’m blessed with
a wonderful Bible teacher who comes to hold Bible studies here in my own home.
I see beauty in
everyone. Everyone!
Even with my eclectic
tendencies, I’m learning to be more organized. Baby steps, Helen. Baby steps.
I know much of
God’s Word by heart, yet each time I read it, He gives me fresh revelation.
I’m surrounded by
talented, strong, inspiring people.
I don’t easily attach
to material possessions.
Most days, I
bubble over with joy. Perhaps not all day long – but, the joy is always there.
I’ve learned to “think
on the good things”. (Philippians 4:8)
I like who I am.
I like who Dave
is. And I like who we are together.
Coffee. ‘nuff
Oh, and
91. It seems there’s
always someone around to give me a hug when I need one.
We’re in our 37th
year of marriage and growing stronger every day.
I have some
wisdom to go with the (few) gray hairs I’ve acquired.
My heart grows
larger all the time, there’s always someone new to make room for there.
Dave and I can’t
dance, but we do anyways, when no one is looking…
I love a good,
rhyming poem, especially if I wrote it.
I love it when a
light bulb goes off in my mind, though it can be frustrating when I can’t seem
to communicate what I just got understanding on.
I love that you’re
still reading this list!
I love water. I
have a healthy respect for it, too. But I love drinking cold water and sitting
in hot water.
I love that there
is so much good in my life, that I believe I could come up with another list
just as long as this one, just as quickly.
you for your time and attention. I hope you’re inspired to write your own list.
If it lifts you up and encourages you, post it on a wall somewhere you’ll see
it often, so you’ll remember to stir up the good gifts in your life and
remember to rejoice, in the midst of the rainy days.
is merciful and gracious to us. He is faithful to us. And He loves us, even
when we don’t return that love. There is nothing we can do to make Him stop
loving us. Hallelujah! What a very long gratimoment! Thank you, Stacy Voss for
giving us the gift of gratimoments to hold on to!
![](//1.bp.blogspot.com/-vNW7fVv9Sac/U4V58OvM0VI/AAAAAAAABDg/NOVjNxmxzqY/s1600/To+inspire+2++++offbeatworlds+dot+com.jpg) |
(picture from offbeatworlds.com) |