Saturday, January 28, 2023

This Chick Has a Lot to Discover



Sometimes on the road to discovery, we uncover fantastic or magical new things we’ve never seen before, or that we had no clue even existed. Things that take our breath away and our thinking to a whole new level.

Sometimes, though, we discover new things about old things. Those new details about things we thought we already knew everything about can take us to new levels, as well.

Years ago, I discovered that God loves me, personally. That literally blew my mind. The God Who created the universe and everything in it not only created me, too, but He created me for a purpose, and He knows me, and HE LOVES ME! Yes, my heart exploded all over my brain and this discovery launched me into a whole new level of living.

But, what about the man I’ve been married to for more than forty-five years? Can there possibly be anything I don’t know about him? Indeed, there are many things I don’t know about him. We’re constantly evolving and growing to be the man or woman God created us to be all along. How could I possibly know everything about a man who is constantly changing?

Take a step closer and ask yourself, what do I not know about ME?


We live in a world within a universe where there’s always someplace new to go, something new to explore, and new adventures where no man has gone before.

But there’s just as much to discover looking inwardly as there is looking at the vast world around us. As a matter of fact, realistically looking at ourselves might make us function better in the world and help us discover more of the things God created for us to explore and do.

What do I about myself? In general, I’d say I ignore myself. That can’t be good.

I already know my brain never stops thinking, but for goodness’ sake, what in the world am I constantly thinking about? Most of the thoughts that randomly cross my mind seem menial and pointless, but are they? Some of my thoughts are deep; those thoughts can intimidate me. How funny is that? Many of my thoughts amuse me. You do it too. I know you’ve caught yourself laughing at a thought you didn’t share out loud.

Maybe it’s time I take inventory of my thoughts. But, then what? Maybe we’ll look at thoughts in my next blog post.

There’s plenty to discover about myself and why I do the things I do the way I do. No doubt it’s because I believe that my way is the best and most efficient way to do things. You probably think that about the way you do things, too. This is probably one of the biggest causes of conflict in the world.

I’m discovering that I need to pay closer attention to myself and my thoughts to learn better ways of taking care of myself and interacting with God and those around me.

One of the biggest questions I have for myself is, “Why do I think the way I do?” Because, well, I’m not always right, yet usually insist that I am. Boom! Mental hand grenade! That hurt.

My “word for the year” is DISCOVER. What better place to start than to discover more about myself and who God created me to be? This is an adventure of discovery I can take with me everywhere I go and assess who I am in every situation. Yes, I morph. Do you?

Here’s my starting point:

“O LORD, You have examined my heart and know everything about me....” – Psalm 139:1 (NLT)

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Check Your Perimeter

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What stands between you and your enemy (or your perceived enemy, the one that rubs you the wrong way or downright hurts you)?

Because you are in Christ, Jesus comes between you and your enemy. You can’t do a thing to your enemy without going through Jesus. His Name is the authority we use to cast out demons and His Name is the Name by which we command the forces of evil to flee from us. His is the only Name through which we can triumph.

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As believers, we are hidden in Christ. We are protected from the things that come against us, whether it be sickness, injury or disease, financial frustrations, or relationship disasters only to the degree we are willing to find ourselves in Christ. It’s not enough to say that we are Christians, or to shout amen and hallelujah from time to time. It’s not enough to pray when things get tough. It’s not enough to go to church or to give your tithe or to sing in the choir or volunteer to help those less fortunate than ourselves. All those things mean nothing if they’re not done in love – in Christ.

Scripture tells us that God IS love. We need to be completely wrapped up in that love, which means we need to be completely wrapped up in Christ. When we stick out our hands to do harm, or our eyes to watch sin, or our foot to go to where we know we shouldn’t be, we are creating an opening through which the enemy will run in a heartbeat, if given the chance.

When we allow the cares and affairs of the world to threaten us, we are exposing our weaknesses to the enemy. Jesus paid the price for all our sins, our guilt, our shortcomings and even our unbelief. But if we’re not willing to live inside that shelter of protection, we’re going to get hurt because our faith will be compromised.

Repeatedly throughout the New Testament Jesus tells us to make sure that we are abiding in Him and allowing Him to abide in us. He tells us to make sure His Word abides in us and that we abide in His Word. To abide means to make our abode within, to LIVE there. Not to just visit on Sundays or at bedtime.

When we’re feeling threatened or intimidated, overwhelmed and defeated, when we’re feeling depressed or frustrated, when we feel anxious or fearful, we’ve likely exposed ourselves somewhere.

As a woman, I recall feeling breezy on the backside only to discover that I’d accidentally tucked my skirt into my pantyhose. I left myself exposed – and I felt it. What I felt clued me in to check out the problem.

What clues me in to check out where my REAL problems lie?

When I feel the cold of the enemy stepping onto my turf, it’s time to check my borders. When the lies of the enemy overwhelm what I know to be God’s truth (therefore MY truth), it’s time to check my borders. When I’m feeling fearful or depressed or afraid, it’s time to check my borders.

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If I’m in Christ, I’m safe.

If I’ve allowed the devil to stick his toe into the doorway to my soul, he’s certain to take as much ground as he can. Did I start examining my perimeter the moment his ugly toe showed up? Probably not. It’s likely his whole foot or leg is through the door already, maybe he’s stepped completely in to try to sabotage my faith.

My job isn’t to fight the enemy. My job is to fight the good fight of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12) God is my defender. He’ll take care of my enemies – as long as I am found in Him.

God won’t keep me from sharing myself with the world. He’s given me the freedom to choose. And sometimes, Satan is so stealthy, I don’t pay attention to some of the bad choices I make. (Just like in my daily diet. If I paid better attention to what I consume, I’d likely be much thinner.)

If I’m not in God’s Word, and if God’s Word isn’t my staple daily diet, I’m exposed.

I don’t repeat myself in these blog posts to beat you up. I repeat them because these are the things God is talking about with ME. Surely, I’m not the only one, so I share with you.

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Is your go-to thought one of fear when the doctor says something you don’t want to hear? Is your go-to thought one of depression when your checkbook is getting a little too close to the negative? Is your go-to thought one of anger when someone disappoints or disrespects you or hurts you?

If so, you may want to check your perimeter. You may have left a door open somewhere. The enemy doesn’t come and kick in your door. He can’t. He doesn’t have the power or authority to do so. He patiently sits there, waiting for you to open it.

Ask Jesus to live inside of you. Turn away from your sinful habits. Read God’s Word (the Bible) every day. Meditate on what you read there. Pray for guidance. God says that when we lack wisdom, to simply ask Him for it! (James 1:5)

Closing your perimeter doesn’t keep people out. It keeps sin out. It lets the love of Jesus pour through you to the very people and circumstances that seem to give you the most trouble.