Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Look - See the Hunger


(picture from unu.ecu)

I saw a billboard that displayed a beautiful woman and read, Hunger Can Be Hard to Detect. An ad campaign for Feeding American; promoting food banks.

The spiritual parallel struck me before anything else.

The person standing on the corner with a sign begging for cash because they’re hungry; the children who’s only meal for the day is one they get at school; the folks in tattered clothes entering a shelter, those waiting for their food stamps to come in…need help.

We are surrounded by those who consume delectable foods beyond the feeling of content. We’re also surrounded by those who will go to bed hungry tonight, again.

We know about the disadvantaged around us, and covid is making life harder. Do we realize the scope of it? For the statistics or ways you can help, click on your browser and do a local search. Your help is greatly needed. Government shouldn’t mandate how we help; we should be helping out of the kindness in our own hearts.

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But, as we look around and recognize how enormous this problem is, look a little further – and see just how many of your friends and neighbors, the strangers in the store with you, the moms and dads picking up their children after school with you – and yes, even those who sit next to you in church – are spiritual skeletons.

Some problems are evident; the mom without a coat you see walking over a mile in the cold every day to pick up her children, who wear thin, old jackets with no hats, gloves or scarves. Maybe you want to offer them a ride, but – will it become a daily commitment you’re not up for? If you get to know them, will you feel obligated to help out in other ways?

Some problems are not as evident with appearance; the mom wearing a brand-new pair of designer shoes every day could be contemplating suicide, the old man driving the Cadillac could be in debt up to his ears with no idea where to turn, the college kid that whips out daddy’s credit card at every whim might be addicted to porn, drugs or alcohol. Yes, they have needs, too.

With all of the tangible needs so visibly in our face every day, it’s easy to overlook the emptiness of spiritual starvation.

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Hunger Can Be Hard to Detect.

Sometimes, God places the answers to our prayers within other people. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. What a way to ensure we hang out with each other. Our pastor reminds us regularly that God is all about relationships.

In 2020, we’ve been deprived of spending time with others, sometimes, even those we love most- which brings sadness, depression and anxiety. But, it’s also breeding sentiments that boast that we can do everything ourselves; that we don’t need others. If we’re thinking that – we’re so wrong.

And with so much division in our culture, admit it, sometimes, we’d rather be by ourselves, than mingle with someone who might be judging us.

God is calling us to come together, to give of what we’ve received and to receive from others. We can’t let the eternal give and take of humanity be stolen from us. We need each other so much that Jesus has instructed us to love each other, not just as we love ourselves, but AS HE LOVES US!


“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” – John 15:12 (NKJV)

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1 comment:

  1. Helen, I'm sooo thankful the Good Lord said you and I can do life together ❤️
