Thursday, April 21, 2022

Are You Listening?


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I’m going to be transparent with you today. Maybe a little too transparent.

As a child, we see things differently than we do as grow ups, but sometimes those childhood thoughts stick with us. Even when we have the perspective of an adult, silly thoughts from yesteryear can wander through our minds at the most unexpected times.

I’ve always processed my thoughts differently than most people around me. In our decades of marriage, Dave has often told me he doesn’t know anyone who thinks like I do. I never took it any other way than complimentary. Sometimes, he even seems to admire the way I think.

I would guess, though I’ve never looked into it, that I’m somewhere on the autism spectrum. But perhaps we’re all somewhere on the spectrum. They say there’s a fine line between autism and genius. I’m not saying I’m a genius, but maybe I dance on that fine line. I’m not talking about common sense or even intelligence, but the way my brain processes my thoughts.

As a child, I just saw myself as different. Most children probably go through that phase at some point. But, I’ve carried the thought, intact, with me for the past 60 years or so. In childhood, I was convinced that I was “retarded” (the word used in that day), but that no one would tell me or admit it to me. Silly? Perhaps.

Over the years, the thought has crossed my mind from time to time.

Last night I was worshiping God with other women as praise music filled through the room and I prayed for those I love most. (I’m guessing your name was whispered to God, backed by volumes of faith for your every need.)

At one point, when God spoke to me, He shared a little secret with me. He said, “You know, Dave would still love you, even if you were retarded.” (I’m guessing He chose that word because it’s the word I used as a child.) It instantly took me back to feelings of insecurity. But then just as quickly, filled me with laughter.

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Yes. Dave loves me that much. He’s definitely the man God created to be my husband. No one else would do. Not everyone marries the person God created specifically for them. Some of us get ahead of God or don’t even consider asking Him if the person they plan to marry has His approval.

Somehow, even though I didn’t know the voice of God way back when, I knew on our first date that Dave was the man I’d marry. There are plenty of times when we frustrate each other, even to this day, but neither of us has ever second-guessed our decision, even in the hardest of times.

The whole point in my vulnerability today is to tell you that God really does speak to us. His Word states, “Anyone with ears to hear, should listen and understand!” -  Matthew 11:15 (NLT) God isn’t merely saying that if you have globs of skin to hold up your glasses, you’ll hear Him. We have spiritual ears. We need to learn to listen with THOSE ears.

As a teen, on our first date, did I know I was hearing from God? No. But that didn’t stop Him from speaking to me. Like me, He always has something to say. Not so much like me, what He has to say is always worth listening to.

So, whether there’s praise music on or not, whether you’re alone or in a crowd, He’s talking to you. If you’re listening for His voice, you’ll hear Him. Listen! His Word also tells us, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” - John 10:27 (NKJV)

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You may be tempted to say that you never hear Him. Or that He doesn’t bother to speak to you. You’re mistaken. There’s so much He wants to share with you. He wants you to know the depths of His love for you. It’s His desire to impart to us His knowledge, His wisdom and His understanding.

Pay attention. Listen. You’ll hear. It may surprise you. But, you’ll hear Him!

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