Monday, October 2, 2023

Me, too!


(picture from Pinterest)

The other morning and God spoke to me so clearly; it made me cry.

I write poetry, often provoking tears in the readers, but usually touching their hearts in a special way. Though I’ve been a Christian, encouraging others for a long time now, I’ve often felt less than worthy of the blessings God pours out on me.

But through the blood of Jesus – I am MADE worthy! Hallelujah!

Someone referred to the gifts God placed inside of us. I naturally thought of poetry; my mind fluttered through the only verses I have memorized – one of my favorite poems. I was halted as I rehearsed the lines in my head with the most wonderful interruption. I’ll include the poem here for reference, I want you to know what I’m referring to:

If you picked a flower for every care in your mind,
how many different flowers do you think that you could find?
If you put them all together and made a huge bouquet,
wouldn’t it give your heart a rest to give them all away?
But, who would want these flowers that represent pains and grief?
I came to bear your burdens, Child, will you give your bouquet to Me?
- Jesus
(Helen Williams! 2002)

The interruption? As I recalled the last line, Jesus lovingly whispered to me, “Yes, that means you, too.”

To you, that might seem obvious. But to me, it felt like my brain had just been dunked into soapy bathwater and pulled out clean! Yes, of course it applies to me, too! I was so excited I cried. But knowing that in my head and knowing it in my heart are two totally different lines of reality.

I am among the redeemed.
I am made righteous by the blood of Jesus.
God doesn’t require perfection from me, He requires that I believe in Him and in His Word; the sacrificial Lamb (Jesus) Who died to pay for my sin.

(picture from 3wordwisdom)
So – why WOULDN’T the poem (and every other word of encouragement) apply to me?

God is always speaking to our hearts. Yet we seldom listen for what He has to say to us as individuals.

Several decades ago, I turned away from God. I stuck my fingers in my ears and didn’t want to hear what He was saying to me. I knew He was still God, and I knew I still wanted His protection and love and blessings, but I turned inward and became very selfish.

It wasn’t long until God once again captivated my attention and by His loving kindness drew me back to Himself. I repented of my sin and turned my heart back to Him. I hurt a lot of people through that painful detour, but God loved me still. Most of those people still love me, too.

The enemy taunted me, insisting that I was no longer worthy of God’s grace. He used truth to weave a lie.

Of course, I wasn’t worthy of God’s grace – that’s what grace is all about! It can’t be earned.

But I was no less worthy of that grace than I was the first time I submitted myself to God’s love and asked Him to reign in my heart. Herein is the message of grace: He loves us anyway.

Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking to kill, steal and destroy – our faith.
(John 10:10)

I took a stance and declared in my heart that even if God could no longer accept me as His own, I would declare His grace to others. How’s that for an oxymoron? How could I effectively share grace if I wasn’t even applying it to myself?

I was the prodigal daughter, willing to return home to be my Father’s slave, yet He wanted me to return to be His bride!

So, let’s talk about worthiness and settle the matter once and for all. In our flesh, we are not worthy of God’s grace or His love. But He chooses to love us anyway.

(picture from pinterest)

There is nothing we can do to stop His unending, unconditional love towards us. Nothing. NOTHING!

No matter how sinful we become, we are not beyond the reach of His love and forgiveness.

He is constantly reaching for us, longing for us to receive His love. When we hear a story about unrequited love, we have NO idea how deep that love can run until we look at the One Who created us, Who walks with us – Whom we don’t even know or desire intimacy with. We search, as through fancy jewelry stores, in every nook and cranny – for plastic baubles to love.

It is the goodness and kindness of God that calls us to repentance. (Romans 2:4)

Nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39)


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