Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What I DO Know


(wallpapercave .com)

As I was laying in bed praying for you the other night, this is what I felt God had me write down for you.

I don’t know a lot of things. I know you believe there’s a God; I don’t know your thoughts towards Him. But I do know His thoughts towards you. (See Psalm 139)

I do know that He loves you.

I do know that He isn’t mad at you.

I do know that He isn’t punishing you for anything (Jesus already took all your punishments when He went to the cross for you).

I do know that He’s reaching out to you, always.

I do know that He’s always with you, whether you realize it or not – and whether you want Him there or not.

I do know there’s no place you can go where He isn’t already there.

I do know what great value He places on you. Jesus values you so much that He chose to die in your place so that you can live in His place.

I do know that this great value has nothing to do with what you do or choose not to do; your value is intrinsic (you were born with it).

I do know that He has a plan and purpose for your life.

I do know that God created you in His own image.

I do know that He’s filled you with gifts and talents and promise.

I do know that He always wants to communicate with you, even when you think you can’t hear His voice.

I do know that He wants you healed and whole, inside, and out.

I do know that He loves the people you love.

I do know that He loves the people you hate or are angry with. He’s reaching out to them, too.

I do know that the Psalmist David said that God keeps your tears in a bottle, and that your prayers are a sweet-smelling savor to Him.

I do know that He sings over you.

I do know that He sees you, all the time.

I do know that He knows your thoughts before you even think them.

I do know that He’s already planned a way out of every trouble you’ll get yourself into.

I do know that He wants to live in your heart and that He wants you to live in His.

I do know that He’s already provided all you need; all you’ll ever need.

I do know that He’s already positioned friends and allies for you, right when and where you’ll need them.

I do know that He breathed life into you for His own precious reasons.

I do know that He’s protected you when you weren’t even aware that He was there.

I do know that He’ll continue to be your protection.

I do know that He’s not “out there somewhere” but that He’s as close as the mention of His Name.

I do know that He’s given His children His power and authority.

I do know that He always gives you choice, the right to choose Him or to ignore Him.

I do know that God’s heart is your home.

I do know that when no one sees you or what you’re going through, He does.

I do know that He will always be speaking to your heart.

I do know that you can hear Him when He speaks.

I do know that He made you strong, but that He is stronger and that He shows up in your times of weakness.

I do know that your feelings don’t explain the situation.

I do know that He doesn’t just want you to know about Him, but that He wants you to know Him, personally and intimately.

I do know that He always wants your love and your praise and your thankfulness.

I do know that with every temptation, He’s already provided an escape.

I do know that He wants you to see yourself the way He sees you.

I do know that He trusts you.


I do know that I love you, too, even though I’m not always with you.

I do know that I pray for you every day.

I do know that He hears my prayers for you, every single time I pray.

I do know that He hears you, every single time YOU pray.

I do know that He gave me these words just for you, for good reason.


  1. This is so beautiful! I'm sharing this with my friends & neighbors.

    1. As always you captured it and I love the words because ytheyso true

  2. Jesus knows me - this I love. (Didn’t you say that?) Thanks for this blog

    1. Thankyou Wow you are so gifted ! You blessed me so very much ♥️

    2. I said it, but I'm sure I want the first. I saw it on a sign in a gift shop years ago.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to comment here. I appreciate it so much.
