Saturday, January 18, 2025

I Thought I Had No Vision.... Conclusion


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Beginning with one topic has become a conversation (if you’re giving me your thoughts, too) that’s encompassing much more than I thought it would. But, without understanding our position and our authority in Christ, we will never comprehend His vision for us.

Going back to one of the scriptures we started with in Habakkuk 2:2 (AMPC), “And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.”

 We know now that God’s response was to the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk who had a question, we’ve all asked God. “What are you going to do about this mess down here on earth?!” We’re looking into God’s response to him, because it’s the same answer He gives to us.

Write the vision. What vision? The vision God has for mankind. The vision that shows us our part in God’s Master Plan.

To discover that vision will require spending intimate time with Him, reading His Word, studying His Word and meditating on it. I’m not attempting to expound on or sum up Mark Cowart’s book here, I’m sharing what I got from it. I’ve read it twice now and I may read it a third time soon. It’s a small book, so if you choose to buy it, don’t think that reading it more than once is a daunting or intimidating task. (The book is available here: The Power of Vision or The Power of Vision Amazon )

(picture from Amazon)

Where do we go from here to discover God’s heavenly vision for us? I feel like God’s Word for me this year is “discover” – which is so appropriate for what I find myself doing already. I’m discovering God’s vision for ME!

I don’t say this to sound high and mighty, or to sound chastising and condescending at all, I say it with all the love in my heart and I say it from experience. If we don’t already know God’s vision for us, we are not spending enough time in His Word to discover it.

“Ouch! That hurts!

“I read the Bible every day! Sometimes I even go to a commentary or a concordance to investigate what something means. Though, I have to admit, I usually just go to a friend and ask what THEY think it means.”

“I pray every day, well, sometimes just over my meals. Okay, sometimes I let myself get too busy. But God knows my heart. He knows what I need to pray before I even say it.”   

“And, of course, I go to church. Well, most Sundays. Okay, most weeks I just watch online and listen to teachings from preachers and teachers I like throughout the week when I have time. But sometimes I even go to special events the church hosts!”

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I’ve said those same things, believe me. I’ve tried to justify my lifestyle, too. I’ve gotten too busy to spend quality time reading and studying for myself and meditating on what the Bible says. How can God speak His vision to me, or for that matter, how can He speak His love to me, if I’m not reading the Bible daily? How do I think I’m listening for what He has to say to me if too busy to pay attention? How can I appreciate His love for me if I don’t spend any time enjoying it?

I was challenged to do the very things I’m telling you to do. I’ve been setting my alarm early (and I am NOT a morning person) and I’m getting out of bed, going downstairs to make a cup of coffee – and sitting quietly, without disruptions – reading the Bible, with a commentary and pondering what I’m reading. I’m looking into the parts that I don’t understand. I’m literally searching out God’s wisdom, knowledge and His understanding. The written Word is becoming the living Word inside of me! And I’m discovering just how much God actually loves me, and I’m allowing myself to receive from Him – His love and therefore, His vision for me. And I'm writing it down. Powerful stuff!

Dare you try? And write it down! See for yourself. After all, isn't that what Jesus invites us to do? Come and see!


  1. Thank you Hellen,I love your sincerity and ourech!

  2. I like this whole blog post from part one to conclusion. Vision became so important when I had my detached retina and wound up in emergency surgery the next day. My vision has never been the same - physically. Spiritually I think my vision has changed during different times of my life.
