Wednesday, January 8, 2025

I Thought I Had No Vision.... Part I


(picture from pinterest. com)

Publish the Good News


Okay, it’s time to “write the vision and make it plain….”

“Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.” – Psalm 119:18 NLT

Not feeling like I have a vision has helped me to procrastinate about writing one down. But the vision is already there, I just need to discover it or uncover it.

I’ve always thought about vision as in a vision board that crafty women and people desiring to be high-powered go-getters created to help them focus on what they wanted to get out of life. I actually made one once. A change in my thinking has begun to occur simply because of a book I read, helping me to understand and focus on what God wants to do with me. Pastor Mark Cowart, of Church For All Nations, in Colorado Springs, Colorado wrote the small book, The Power of Vision, Charting Your Spiritual Course. (The book is available here: The Power of Vision )

Hopefully the desire to quote directly from the book can be dismissed. But he provides some very tasty nuggets you’ll want to read for yourself. Revelation comes through a myriad of channels. But the revelation of God and His Kingdom come only through His Word, both logos and rhema. (The written word of God is (the Greek word) logos. It becomes (the Greek word) rhema when we believe it. Reading the Bible and believing what it says are two different things. Mark Cowart goes into much more detail about this in his book.) God can, will and does speak to us through whomever and whatever He chooses.

Knowing that I want whatever lot God has prepared for me, good or scary, easy or requiring more faith than I think I have, I’ve left things up to Him. I’m, by nature, a Pantzer; one who flies by the seat of my pants. I detest calendars filled with plans and appointments. My brain just isn’t made that way, I’m not generally organized. I try to be from time to time, and it works for a project or two, like cleaning and organizing a drawer or the kitchen. But life? How can I put into finite, detailed plans what God destines to do with me? Especially since from day to day, that may change. Or will it? My movements or daily assignments will change. But the vision does not.

Vision is there waiting to be uncovered. Like new life sprouting from the ground before the snow has melted, it’s already there. Now, the snow is melting and I’m beginning to see the tiny sprout poke through. In the past when this happened, I looked away. Was it fear? Was it laziness? No matter. Today that all changes.

The Lord has instructed us, even from the Old Testament.

“And the Lord answered me, and said, ‘Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it.”  - Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

When I read that, I’m straining my brain to understand what looks like it should be simple to grasp. I’m sifting through the grate of various translations to discover what God says to ME through those verses. The Complete Jewish Bible reads this way, a little easier to understand: “Then Adonai answered me; he said, “Write down the vision clearly on tablets, so that even a runner can read it.”

(from 9newsng. com)

So, write it clearly and LARGE! If I were to run, the words on the paper would jiggle around and my focus would be unclear, jumping up and down, making it hard to read. So, when I write out this vision the Lord unveils for me, I’ll write it down plainly and in a very large font, so that I cannot ignore it at all. Hopefully He intends to show it to me in plain, easy to understand language. However, it kind of feels like a significant part of the vision is in the unveiling of it – because there I am becoming more intimate with Him, I’m allowing Him to express Himself inside of me! This is time well spent; time and experiences meant to be savored.

The Amplified, Classic Edition puts it this way: “And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.”

So, where are these tables or tablets that everyone can pass by and see them? A week or so ago, God spoke to me, “Publish the Gospel”. So far, what I’m getting from that is to write – and let people see what I write. Coincidentally, that’s the premise of the life group I facilitate. Is this that tablet?

It’s easiest for me to write here on my laptop. But no one sees what I write here unless I share it through social media or through my blogsite. I consider myself a writer. Maybe God does, too! Publish doesn’t necessarily mean to publish a book. Publish means to make known. Paul Revere published throughout the land that the British were coming on horseback with his bellowing voice. Words painted on the side of a barn publish a message.

(fromzazzle. com)

The Good News Translation makes it even clearer to me. It says, “The Lord gave me this answer: “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance.” In place of the word vision, it reads “what I reveal to you”. I love this! So, everything that God reveals to me (through His logos and rhema word)– is part of the heavenly vision! Part of the picture that God sees when He sees man and His plans for man – includes me. I’m a piece of the puzzle that’s still being put together right now. Look, on the table before God’s comfy chair is a puzzle. He has the box; He knows what the picture will look like when it’s complete; when His bride is perfect and His story continues with her. I’m one of those pieces! And so are YOU! You share a piece of this vision, too. Without you and me, the puzzle is incomplete.

More in part two. Stay tuned as I “publish the Gospel [the Good News]”.


  1. I think all your writings should be put in a book for all to enjoy forever

    1. Thank you, Normandy! Maybe one day we'll see that happen.
      I love you! ❤️

  2. I made this my word of the year back when I had my detached retina repair surgery and cataract removal surgery 6 months later. What if we lose our physical vision? My physical eyesight has never been the same since those surgeries. Thats why I am scrapbooking. I am leaving behind my vision. My scrapbooks and journals are my tablets that I will leave behind someday. I also have a vision of us getting together for lunch in the not too distant future.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I love how beautifully you're leaving behind your vision! What a great analogy. Lunch. Soon!

  3. Looking forward to more blogs too
