Tuesday, June 7, 2011

While Talking to Myself...

Since I know the Truth, why do I sometimes continue to walk in lies? I suppose it has to do with laziness. Old bad habits require breaking. Just because I learn that exercise is good for me doesn’t mean I’ll automatically get out of bed every morning and throw myself into a workout routine. Just because I learn that consuming ice cream is not good for keeping my weight down doesn’t mean I’ll stop picking up that Snickers ice cream cone from the freezer section at the store before checking out – and eating it quickly before it melts.

So too with learning the truths of God; learning God’s Word isn’t the same as applying it to my life. I need to confront my old attitudes and correct them, making them line up with what God says.

When God says He loves me, I can’t just flippantly dismiss that with a ‘whatever’ rolling of the eyes, avoiding how I feel about it. I need to confront how uncomfortable it makes me when I’m feeling particularly unlovable, instead of allowing my thoughts to wander to something else. Avoiding the issue behind my discomfort forces me to live yet another day in denial of the truths that can set me free.

What am I not willing to look at? My mind – the final frontier?

John Bevere says: "What you do NOT confront - will NOT change." So if it’s change we’re seeking, confrontation is eminent. But we don’t have to fear that confrontation. Jesus will be right there with us every step of the way. We need to uncover and confront the lies we’ve believed. When we find those lies – we need to discover truths to replace them. Those truths are in God’s Word.

If I pout at the mirror and [even subconsciously] say, I’m ugly – God’s Word tells me I’m made in His image! (God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 NIV)

If I wallow in guilt and shame – God’s Word says ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ (1 John 1:9 NIV)

More examples next time…..

1 comment:

  1. I remember as a teen-age noticing my mom talking to herself - a lot - especially when she was sewing or busy doing something. I thought she was slipping. Now that I am the same age as she was when I was a teenager, I realize that is not true. She was talking to herself to keep herself focused on the task at hand. How do I know that? I do the same thing now...find myself talking to myself and it always helps me problem solve an issue.
